Counselling &
Support Services -
mental health support
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Queer focussed support services
Rainbow Door
A free helpline run by Switchboard Victoria which supports LGBTQA+ Victorians, their friends and family.
Available 7 days a week between 10am- 6pm
Phone: 1800 729 367
Text: 0480 017 246
Switchboard provides free telephone and web peer-led counselling, information and referral service through QLife.
Available between 3pm and 12 midnight every day of the week.
Phone: 1800 184 527
chat online via the QLife website
Counselling services
Low or no cost confidential counselling services to support LGBTIQ+ communities and their families.
Phone: (03) 9663 6733 to see how they can support you.
Thorne Harbour Health
A range of services for LGBTIQ+ including counselling, medical services, community support and more. Call their intake team to see how they can support you.
Phone: (03) 9865 6700 or 1800 134 840 (free for country callers)
Other services
Men’s Referral Service - Family Violence Counselling Line
Phone: 1300 76 64 91